Become a PMI Savings Affiliate -
FREE and Earn Money while you Sleep!
Attention: This page is for those who
know how and have access to upload pages to your server. If not, please
point your webmaster to this page. For BWMA Consultants this is taken care
of for you in your Free BWMA Member Website which works for you 24/7.
Homeowners want lower payments. Earn money directing them how to do it.
Simply link our site (using one of the banners below) to yours. Everytime
an Official Form is purchased through your link, you earn $10. Nothing to
buy, nothing to do, except pocket income.
There are tens of millions of homebuyers and half of them have PMI.
Your prospects are endless, your potential income staggering! We have the
only Official Form to remove PMI. Homeowners are going to buy it anyway,
why not profit from it?
How to Make Your Referral Link
If you are a ClickBank member, you can use your nickname to
immediately begin making commissions [approx. 50%] by
providing a link on your site via a Banner that we provide. If you don't
have a ClickBank Nickname, Click Here to signup now its FREE. NOTE: You must
also Read and Comply with our Privacy
Clicking on the "hop link" will take the customer to our web site. The
link must be placed on a web page (it will not work in email).
To make the link work, pmisavings is our ClickBank Nickname,
and Must be used in order to work. AFFILIATE needs to be your ClickBank
For example, if you are "Steve", we are "pmisavings", then your link to
us would look like this:
HTML Link Sample
Here is what your link would look like (below). Replace AFFILIATE with your Nickname and IMAGE with the name of the GIF image you chose
(see below the HTML Link Sample for Banners). Copy HTML Code below by
holding mouse button down, scanning over the Code, then go to Edit /
Copy and paste into your Web Page. <!-- pmiSAVINGS Banner
Link --> <center> <a
href=""> <img src="IMAGE.gif" width="400" height="40"
border="1" alt="Get the Official Form to remove PMI from your
Mortgage"></a> </center> <!-- End pmiSAVINGS
Banner Link -->
You may then use one of the following Banners. Right Click
and Save the GIF image and upload it to your server.
Banners You can Use
These Banners may change, check back later!