Removing your PMI...
Canceling or Removing PMI without the help of Official Form
may be an expensive proposition. It cost Gene Hanson, a congressman from
Utah over $3,000 in attorney fees to cancel PMI. (See
How much will your attorney or accountant charge you for:
- Obtaining proper procedures and format (which the official form
provides) to cancel PMI
- Determining if you qualify
- Defining what information is needed and what is not
- Locating and documenting required information
- Researching Approved Appraisers
- Acquiring and purchasing certified copy of appraisal
- Continuing to pay premiums during costly approval period
You can either pay more and get less without the help of the official
form or purchase and download information required to be on your way to
saving money today!
Warning: Filing for cancellation
without Official Form, remitting incomplete, or inaccurate
information, could delay removal.